This CMAS training program aims at introducing the fundamentals of SCUBA diving to new entrants to the sport of recreational SCUBA diving. This training and certification will enable the candidate to undertake dives to a maximum depth of twenty (20) meters in a safe manner.
This CMAS One-Star Diver Training is classified as an entry-level sport diver training programme.
Have you a qualification from another organisation?? Well if so you are very welcome!
We recognise most international diving grades and offer equivalence to our own grades. What does this mean for you? Well it means that if you have a recognised qualification you will not have to go through all the training again, there will be a few lectures and possibly
a little water work to be done but nothing too scary! We offer set equivalences to the
following grades free of charge:
Supervised Diver: May operate as if certified to Trainee Diver ( CMAS *)
Autonomous Diver: May operate as if certified to Club Diver (CMAS ** )
Dive Leader: May operate as if certified to Leading Diver (CMAS***)